Hey there foodies.
Well, I am happy to say that I finally have time to write a post after submitting my preliminary exams this past Wednesday morning. It feels good to submit over a hundred pages of writing. Although I still have to work on my internship applications and prepare for the oral defense of prelims, I'm glad that this step is over. I felt like if I wrote another sentence I would become physically ill. So I waited a few days before writing this post :)
I'm lucky enough to have a wonderful roomie who enjoys cooking just as much as me, and was able to pick up the slack on dinners this past month as I spent countless hours in the library. For example, these AMAZING carne asada nachos in the crockpot.
Here is the recipe: http://www.howsweeteats.com/2013/09/crockpot-carne-asada-nachos/. Unfortunately Steve made the suggestion that we just eat them right off the pan. Whoops. This meal is great for a weeknight...it just takes a little time in the morning to saute the steak a bit before putting it in the crockpot with your favorite beer. 6 hours later, prepare to come home to the best smelling apartment ever.
Another quick idea for busy weeknights was this meal:
Steve and I are all about chicken and veggies as a quick meal to throw together after class or work. But the addition of this avocado, chickpea, and feta salad was a nice addition to the plate :) It was very flavorful, and an easy recipe that I would consider making for lunch or to bring to a party. Here is the recipe: http://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/chickpea-avocado-feta-salad/.
Finally, spending all weekend in the library is not great for the activity level. As much as I've been trying to eat relatively healthy and exercise, I have mostly been eating a ton of fried cheese curds. I wish I could say I regret this but..cheese curds are the most delicious food on the planet. I have tried to counteract the cheese curds and other fried choices with this green smoothie recipe. I made this every morning for breakfast this past week, and it was SO refreshing. PLUS the recipe is from LC who was probably the most normal person on Laguna Beach/The Hills.
Here is the recipe: http://laurenconrad.com/blog/post/good-eats-3-busy-girl-breakfasts-overnight-oats-green-smoothie-allison-norton-2013. Shredded coconut on top?! GENIUS. Next week I think I might try the overnight oats! Please note cute kitten in corner attempting to steal my nutritious snacks.
He is so handsome. And also the devil.
I will also leave you with a workout that I like. I've done this a few times already, once every 89 years when I'm not stuffing my face with fried cheese. It's a combination of a Tabata circuit and a butt workout.
burpees 20 sec/10 sec rest
jumping jacks 20 sec/10 sec rest
x 4 minutes
20-30 reps squats
20-30 reps plie squats
30 sec pushups
30 sec walking lunges
x 4 minutes
20-30 donkey kicks
20-30 fire hydrant
High knees 20 sec/10 sec rest
Side leaps 20 sec/10 sec rest
20-30 circling donkey kicks
20-30 Split jumps
30 sec rows
30 sec squat shoulder press
x 3
20-30 skaters
20-30 hip lifts
jump squats 20 sec/10 sec rest
mountain climbers 20 sec/10 sec rest
x 4 minutes
20-30 lunge kicks
30 sec reverse lunges
30 sec planks
Happy eating!